Whats Service Call ?

Service call is the cost of your appliance diagnostic service. No matter how far away your place in our service area. Our technicians will drive your way from our shop for to diagnose your appliance. Some appliances takes 15-20 min, some appliances takes hours for this project.

Sometimes some of appliances repair cost may reach to same or similar cost a new appliance, for example, burned motor, bad washer machine transmission, bad electronic control panel issues. We are just providing correct information to our customers as our diagnose result. Customers paying just the service call fee if they decide to buy another machine instead to repair.

One of other concern is how much would be the total cost of them appliance repair project.
Our standard repair fee $75.00 (labor only) after $75.00 service call. Totally $150.00. This price is labor only price. Any necessary parts are not included. Customers may want to fix or not to them appliance as our diagnose result. Will be charged only $75.00 service fee if customer decide to buy another appliance unless to fix machine. Appliance Repair Service Call is consider a legal and fair fee in Appliance Repair Industry.

Service call fee recovers our time and gas on traffic during your appliance diagnose.